Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What If McCain Won the Election?

Announcer: And the new President of the United States is…….John Mccain!!!

Mccain: YES!!! I knew I was going to win. Whooooooo

Pailin: Yay I did it I am Vice President o yeaaa

Obama: Malia, Shasha no dog for you! Dad didn’t win the election!

Malia and Shasha: But daddy please we want a doggy.

Obama: NO! I said that only if I will win the election you will receive a dog.

Malia and Shasha: Dad please.

Obama: A no is a no! now go to your rooms!

Malia and Shasha: Dad please just please let us have a dog please!

Obama: Fine! You want a dog so bad ill get you one.

Two days later

Obama: Malia, Shasha here have your dog.

Malia and Shasha: Really? Daddy you got us a dog? Thank you soooo much we love you.

Obama: okay here.-whistle-

Large dog runs in and breaks every piece of furniture in the room. (cabinet fall, table breaks, computer breaks)

Obama: darn, I knew I shouldn’t have gotten them a dog.



Blog Archive

this blog is where we'll post play submissions for the 2009 two-minutes play contest as soon as we start receiving them. readers will read and rate the plays, and based on those ratings, we'll narrow down the submissions to a final group. each play must be read by at least three readers.