Thursday, April 2, 2009

Phone Call

1: declaration that things aren’t working

2: agreement, declaration that things need to be worked on

1: mild agreement

2: declaration of love

1: mild agreement

2: question of love

1: (silence)

2: question

1: repeated declaration that things aren’t working

2: question of ending things

1: agreement

2: disbelief

1: disconnected comment

2: upset yelling

1: apology

2: really upset yelling

1: apology

2: crying

1: declaration of eternal love but remark again that things are too hard

2: declaration of hate

1: apology

2: expression of hate

1: agreement that that is deserved

2: expression of hate

1: agreement that hate is deserved

2: silence/crying

1: apology

2: expression of how an apology doesn’t matter, remark about child like behavior and never growing up to face things when they get hard. Yelling about disbelief that things are over with out a fight. Expression of total hurt and disbelief that this could happen

1: Apology, comment of feeling imprisoned

2: stunned silence

1: silence

2: goodbye, remark about maybe if things are different in the future…

1: mild agreement

2: crying goodbye

1: goodbye

2: declaration of hurt

1: apology

2: agreement of apology

1: silence

2: goodbye.

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Blog Archive

this blog is where we'll post play submissions for the 2009 two-minutes play contest as soon as we start receiving them. readers will read and rate the plays, and based on those ratings, we'll narrow down the submissions to a final group. each play must be read by at least three readers.