Thursday, April 2, 2009

untitled (scarf)

Once upon a time in Cleveland there was an awesome humanities teacher named Mr. Dr. Ialacci. He was minding his own business while walking down Mayfield road, the wind was blowing past his long blonde hair and his Gucci scarf fell off. He then had to go back sprinting after his blue scarf. Once he caught it he while he was all sweaty he found a lose paper and started to read it. It was one of his students and was impressed with the fine work he/she had done. He then graded it and gave an A+, but there was no name on it so he has to go ask who’s it was. He then came back to school to find out it was his most premier students work, Mr. Oscar Philippe Kokokshka. He then gave the young students work an A and it because a NY top seller. All he is that he was the one who gave it, its first grade. Dr. Ialacci was very happy and went on with his life. 30 year later Oscar came back to grant Dr. Ialacci with a new red scarf. He then lost it to Stoop Kid who was sitting on his stoop waiting for things to fly to him. THE END

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Blog Archive

this blog is where we'll post play submissions for the 2009 two-minutes play contest as soon as we start receiving them. readers will read and rate the plays, and based on those ratings, we'll narrow down the submissions to a final group. each play must be read by at least three readers.