Thursday, April 2, 2009


This is a simple expression of the LBGTQ movement:

Person walks to center stage wearing all black. They unfurl a rainbow flag, and stand s silently while “I was married” by Tegan and Sara plays in the background. (Lyrics below)

I married in the sun.
(Tell me where, tell me where)
Against the stone of buildings built before,
You and I were born.
(Start again, start again)
Into my heart confusion grows against;
The muscles fought so long,
(Fought so long)
To control against the pull of one magnet to another.
Magnet to another,

Now we look up in,
(Tell me who, tell me who)
Into the eyes of bullies breaking backs.
They seem so very tough,
(It's a lie, it's a lie)
They seem so very scared of us.
I look into the mirror,
(Look into)
For evil that just does not exist.
I don't see what they see.
(Tell them that, tell them that)
Try to control the pull of one magnet to another.
Magnet to another,
Magnet to another,
Magnet to another.

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Blog Archive

this blog is where we'll post play submissions for the 2009 two-minutes play contest as soon as we start receiving them. readers will read and rate the plays, and based on those ratings, we'll narrow down the submissions to a final group. each play must be read by at least three readers.